McFall aka Mathews Family Cemetery, Flemington, Marion County, Fl
We would like to thank Teresa and Dave for providing this transcription done on Dec 10, 2007
Agnew, Elizabeth T Sullivan b. Dec. 18, 1826 d. Feb. 9, 1855 Wife of Dr W Agnew, Daughter of Dr JC & AH Sullivan
Bero, William Franklin b. Nov. 29, 1913 d. Apr. 4, 1999 Age 85
Branson, John Frank b. Apr. 7, 1893 d. Aug. 16, 1943
Branson, Mary E b. Dec. 16, 1864 d. Jan. 4, 1945
Chitty, Annie Elizebeth b. Dec. 22, 1871 d. Mar. 14, 1875 Born: Barnwell County South Carolina, USA
Chitty, Arthur Lee b. Apr. 21, 1875 d. Jun. 10, 1875 Son of MJ & FE Chitty
Chitty, Francis E b. Dec. 15, 1848 d. May 29, 1875
Chitty, Infant b. Dec. d. Dec. Infant of WP & MC Chitty
Note: Cannot make out year
Chitty, Margaret Charity b. unknown d. unknown Wife of WP Chitty
Chitty, Mary Emma b. Nov. 14, 1870 d. Feb. 14, 1878 Daughter of MJ & FE Chitty
Chitty, William Pinkney b. Apr. 16, 1845 d. Jun. 30, 1881 born: Barnwell County South Carolina, USA
Gibson, Mary Mathews b. Nov. 25, 1909 d. Feb. 22, 1995
Hall, David F b. 1902 d. 1904
Hall, Eason A b. 1895 d. 1957
Hall, Infant Son b. 1929 d. 1929 Son of Thomas & Lula Hall
Hall, Pvt James Pasley b. 1897 d. 1976 US Army WW I
Hall, Joel T b. 1856 d. 1931
Hall, Josa E b. 1901 d. 1901
Hall, Lewis L b. 1899 d. 1919
Hall, Lizzie B b. 1860 d. 1930
Hall, Pvt Oscar Earl b. Apr. 26, 1906 d. Jan. 17, 1971 Florida US Army WW II
Mathews, Annie C b. Jan. 25, 1872 d. Feb. 28, 1928
Mathews, Annie Carlton b. 1855 d. 1917
Mathews, Arthur F b. 1876 d. 1878
Mathews, Arthur R b. Dec. 31, 1896 d. Aug. 4, 1976
Mathews, Benjamin b. Jan. 27, 1814 d. Nov. 5, 1871 Son of Chesley & Sarah Mathews
Mathews, Cornelius M b. Apr. 3, 1887 d. Nov. 21, 1951
Mathews, Earl D b. Apr. 25, 1891 d. Aug. 9, 1966
Mathews, Fannye W b. Apr. 22, 1902 d. Oct. 3, 1994 Beloved Mother & Wife
One stone said Fannye and the other said Fannie.
Mathews, Glenn C b. 1873 d. 1901
Mathews, Howell K b. 1875 d. 1883
Mathews, Isabel G b. Jun. 20, 1902 d. Dec. 10, 1980
Mathews, Iva Mae Atwater b. Jan. 30, 1899 d. Sep. 12, 1966 of Anthony FLA
Mathews, James M b. Sep. 24, 1860 d. Apr. 4, 1946
Mathews, John Isaac b. 1851 d. 1911
Mathews, John L b. May 4, 1816 d. Jan. 14, 1894
Mathews, Joseph Carlton b. 1845 d. 1926
Mathews, Martha Jane b. Nov. 10, 1841 d. Nov. 5, 1855 Daughter of John L & MA Mathews
Mathews, Mary A b. Jan. 9, 1821 d. Oct. 18, 1879
Mathews, Mary C b. Feb. 23, 1892 d. Jul. 19, 1988
Mathews, Nannie Martin b. 1859 d. 1881
Mathews, Palmetto R b. Sep. 6, 1861 d. Apr. 20, 1932
Mathews, Robert M b. Sep. 21, 1893 d. Nov. 10, 1903
Mathews, Ronald Peter "Pete" b. Jan. 27, 1933 d. Apr. 3, 1992
Mathews, Rosalind A b. Mar. 11, 1879 d. Sep. 25, 1955 Daughter of JI & NM Mathews
Mathews, Rosca E b. 1890 d. 1939
Mathews, Rubye E b. 1882 d. 1887
Mathews, Talitha A b. Jun. 18, 1838 d. Mar. 6, 1923
Mathews, Thomas C b. Mar. 31, 1928 d. Jun. 1, 1989
Mathews, William C b. 1925 d. 1990 LTJG US Navy WW II & Korea
Mathews, William Cooper b. Oct. 3, 1894 d. Dec. 17, 1985 US Navy WW I
Mathews, William D b. Oct. 12, 1863 d. Nov. 10, 1910
Mathews, William David b. May 16, 1914 d. Dec. 4, 2000
Mathews, Willie C b. Oct. 3, 1894 d. Dec. 17, 1885
Moore, Virginia Annah b. unknown d. Feb. 28, 1860 Daughter of John W & Rosa Amanda Moore of SC 9m & 23d
Pickette, Emma b. May 26, 1827 d. Jul. 5, 1869 Wife of RK Pickette
Richtmyer, Anna M b. 1895 d. 1978
Richtmyer, Homer W b. 1889 d. 1970
Stanton, Carrie b. Sep., 1832 d. Jul., 1864 Wife of Isaac Stanton
Talley, Robert C b. Mar. 29, 1910 d. May 24, 1980
Walker, Audrey b. Sep. 8, 1897 d. Jun. 16, 1960
Walker, Tom b. Sep. 24, 1899 d. Jul. 6, 1960