Florida Master Site File
You may notice that some sites have the initials FMSF with them. This means that they have already been listed on this important state site. This is the site that counties use when checking properties to see if building permits can be issued. Anyone can submit a cemetery to the FMSF.
The Site File is the first place anyone will look for information on historic sites, including cemeteries. If a site is not recorded in the Site File, protection is more difficult, simply because there is a lack of basic knowledge and lots of opportunity for confusion.
The Master Site File relies on reports submitted by individuals and organizations throughout the state for its information. If you are interested in protecting or caring for a historic cemetery, making sure it is listed in the Site File is a good place to start. If there is not a site form, you can fill one out and send it in. If the cemetery was recorded some time ago, it may be helpful to send in an updated form reflecting current conditions. The Florida Master Site File cemetery form is available online http://www.flheritage.com/preservation/sitefile/
A site does not require any particular level of significance to be listed and most sites that are reported are accepted. A special site form is used to record cemeteries and burial sites--The Historical Cemetery Form--developed in 1990. A Guide to the Historical Cemetery Form, which provides detailed information about completing the form, is also available. There is also an electronic or "SmartForm" version of the cemetery form that would be helpful for recording a number of cemeteries. In addition to the information requested on the form, a photocopy of a USGS topographic map (usually available at the county library) with the site marked, and photographs of the cemetery, must be included. The form and Guide can be obtained from the Florida Master Site File's web site: www.flheritage.com/preservation/sitefile/.
The steps for submitting a site are very simple
1. Fill out the FMSF form. Include as much information as you can find but don't worry if it is not completely filled out.
2. If possible send in any photos you have that show the cemetery including the entrance, a name plaque, or individual tombstones.
3. Send in any local or USGS maps that show the cemetery location.
4. Send in anything else that you can find to support the fact that the cemetery exists.
5. Please let us know that you have submitted a site so that we can mark it as done. This will hopefully prevent
someone from sending a site in twice and will allow them to look for sites that have not been submitted.